Saturday, February 2, 2013

Matrix and Movie Ratings

Ok- so my husband convinced me to watch The Matrix tonight.

My very first rated R movie...but he assured me that it wasn't that bad- and promised that it wouldn't be gore-y (i hate really hate it)

But let me just say- after watching the Matrix.....

My Mind= BLOWN!!

If you are adult, I think you should watch it- it is very well made, and the ideas are so crazy, but also awesome! And really makes you think- and it isn't gore-y gross.

It was filmed so well, and had really cool special effects, which I appreciate even in 2013, even though it was made in 1999! Now that is impressive!

I would say it isn't something I would want my teenage boy who is into guns watching, hence I think the rating is appropriate, but really, honestly..... I've watched PG-13 movies that were way worse on my rating scale than The Matrix.

Exhibit A: Twilight- barf.

Ok, just kidding about Twilight (no really I'm not)...

But anyway. As much as a part of me thinks this rating is appropriate, there is another part of me that says, well, why was this on my naughty list for movies for years and years....I mean in the Return of the King, there is all sorts of blood and guts and they catapult heads and stuff- yuck! (but I still love the Lord of the Rings trilogy)

I think the point is- not the amount of gore, but also the content and themes expressed- I can see how fantasy violence that is glorified violence (like in the Matrix) could have some very bad effects on the teenage mutant brain- like encouraging public violence (let's face it, teenagers are all mutants...some are turtles, and others are well.....I didn't think this thought out very well, did I..)

What I'm trying to say is that sometimes it isn't the content of the film but it is the theme that is an adult theme, and since adult brains are old enough and mature enough to think it through more complex themes, perhaps it is best not to expose our teenagers to movies like this ( i think so)

Even though this movie is pretty dang awesome.

Just sayin...

What are your thoughts on The Matrix, or the rating system in general?

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen The Matrix all the way through, but I definitely agree with you about the rating system. MANY times there are PG-13 movies that are A LOT worse than some Rated-R films.
    Also, I agree with you about Twilight...ha ha! :)
