Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Pep Talk for You!

This video is a great example of how media can be a  influence for good. We can share ideas, inspiration, help, and uplifting messages. I felt better just by watching this 3.5 minute video! How amazing is that? This kid, and the makers of this short video, may never know how their message has changed someone, yet by sharing it with the world through the internet, they have touched thousands (182,805 to be exact).

Ask yourself, what is it that I can do to make this world a better place?
Look around you- and you will surely find a need that YOU can help to fill.

My favorite quote of the month is from the Dalai Lama,
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."

Kindness is the center of all good acts, and it is exactly what this world needs most.

Happy Weekend, Everyone!



  1. Um I LOVE this. This little kid is so cute. I love that so many people have seen it. His message is definitely one the world needs.

  2. This is SERIOUSLY the best! Love the video and love the message.

  3. The first time I saw this video I almost died, the kid is so funny! He motivated me to be better that's for sure.
